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请按此, 如果您是欧洲经济区或英国居民, 查阅适用的GDPR隐私声明.

请按此, if you are a California resident, for Exela科技有限公司.加州补充隐私声明.

请按此, if you are an individual located in Canada, for Exela科技有限公司.加拿大PIPEDA声明.

1 Scope

本政策适用于所有员工, 承包商, 咨询顾问, 以及本公司的供应商,并将在本公司网站上展示.



2.1.1 该公司 adheres to Federal, State, and Local regulatory and customer privacy requirements. 下列规定适用于美利坚合众国领土及其居民.

2.1.2 该公司 collects personally identifiable information when voluntarily submitted by our online and onsite visitors. The information provided is used to fulfill specific requests unless given permission to use it in another manner.

2.1.与我们提供的服务有关, 本公司可能会收集以下类型的资料:

  • 个人身份信息. Names, 地址, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 生日, 社会保障, 税务识别, 金融账户, 国民保险号码, 公司信息.
  • Cookies. When a 访客浏览公司网页, a cookie is sent out to the viewer's computer that will identify the visitor's browser. These cookies enable the website to recognize the visitor's computer the next time the visitor views the Company website. These cookies will be used exclusively to collect information concerning the use of the website. cookie不包含个人身份数据, so the visitor's personally identifiable information is not collected or retained.
  • 用户通信. 当访问者向公司发送电子邮件或其他通信时, 这些通信可能会被保留,以便处理查询, 响应请求, 提高整体服务水平.
  • 附属网站. Personal information that a visitor may provide to websites affiliated with the Company may be sent to the Company in order to deliver services to the Company or other entities affiliated which the Company provides. 本公司根据本政策处理此类信息.
    该公司 reserves the right to collect and process personal information in the course of providing services to our clients without the knowledge of individuals involved.

2.1.作为一般规则, the Company will not disclose personally identifiable information except when the Company is required or permitted per customer agreement, law (including pursuant to national security of law enforcement requirements) or otherwise, such as when the Company believes in good faith that the law requires disclosure or other circumstances outlined in this 隐私政策 require or permit disclosure.

  • 该公司 may share information with governmental agencies or other companies assisting in fraud prevention or investigation. 在下列情况下,公司可以这样做:
    • (1)法律允许或要求的
    • (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions
    • (三)对已经发生的欺诈行为进行调查的

This information, however, is not provided to these companies for marketing purposes.

2.1.5 该公司 takes reasonable steps to protect personally identifiable information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of personally identifiable information, 保持数据的准确性, and support the appropriate use and confidentiality of personally identifiable information, 要么是为了自己的目的,要么是代表我们的客户, 公司已建立适当的物理设施, 技术, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the personally identifiable information and data the Company possesses.

2.1.6 该公司 collects and maintains personally identifiable information in a manner that is compatible with the purpose for which it was collected and maintained, 或随后由个人或客户授权. 达到达到上述目的所必需的程度, the Company takes reasonable steps to confirm that personal information is accurate and complete with regard to its intended use.

2.1.公司在处理个人资料时, it will take reasonable steps to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which they were collected. It will provide data subjects with the ability to exercise the following rights under the conditions and within the limits set forth in the law. If you wish to contact us regarding the use of your personal data or you want to object in whole or in part to the processing of your personal data, 请云顶集团. 如果您已经同意,您可以撤回同意. 在遵守保密义务的前提下,您也可以要求:

  • 访问由本公司处理的您的个人数据;
  • 要求更正或删除您的个人资料;
  • 要求可携性(如适用)您的个人资料.e. 阁下向本公司提供的个人资料, 是归还给你还是转移给你选择的人, 在一个结构化的, 常用的机器可读格式.

2.1.8 该公司 utilizes a self-assessment approach to support compliance with this 隐私政策.

  • 公司定期核实相关政策的准确性, 要涵盖的信息是全面的, 突出显示, 实现, 并符合本隐私政策的原则.
  • 该公司 encourages interested persons to raise any concerns with the Company. 该公司 will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with the principles contained in this 隐私政策.
  • 如果公司认定员工违反了本隐私政策, 该员工将受到公司的纪律处分.

2.1.公司合并时, 被第三方收购或出售其资产, the Company may disclose personally identifiable information as is reasonably necessary in connection with any such merger, 收购或出售. Any such party with whom the Company merges or whom acquires some of all of the assets of the Company may not have the same or similar privacy guidelines as set forth in this 隐私政策 and may use personally identifiable information in a manner other than as set forth herein.

2.1.10 This 隐私政策 shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to comply with applicable regulations.

2.1.本公司将在其网站上公布任何修订后的隐私政策, 或者一个类似的网站取代那个网站.

2.1.12 Information obtained from or relating to clients or former clients is further subject to the terms of any privacy notice provided to the client, 与客户签订的合同或其他协议, 以及应用执法法律.

2.1.公司将与相关监管机构合作, 包括当地数据保护监管机构, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data that cannot be resolved between the Company and an individual.


下面的U.S. 本公司的附属公司亦会遵守私隐政策:

  • Exela企业解决方案公司.
  • SourceHOV,有限责任公司
  • BancTec公司.
  • TransCentra公司.
  • SourceHOV Healthcare, Inc.